Summer camp 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

1.    What is the daily schedule?

Morning Camps - Various Offerings By ArtzHub Camp Partners

Playground time is weather permitting. If it is too hot or if it is raining, indoor recess and/or courtyard fun will be alternatives for play breaks.

8:45-9:00        Check In/ Read/ Free Draw

9:00-10:15       1st Structured Activity

10:15-10:45     Snack/Playground

10:45-12:00     2nd Structured Activity

12:00-12:20     Lunch

12:20-12:40 Playground

12:40-1:00 Cool Off/ Pack Up/ Finish Up/ Games

1:00-1:15 Half Day Only Campers Go Home

Is your child a full day camper? Read on! :-)

Afternoon Art Camps - Various Themes With Artist & ArtzHub Founder Kim McCullough

Assuming it’ll be very hot in the afternoons, we’ll plan to stay primarily indoors for our play breaks. The courtyard is a great option, as well. If the weather is beautiful, however, we’ll adjust our afternoon schedule to spend some time on the playground.

12:45-1:00 Half Day Afternoon Campers Arrive/ Full Day Campers Continue

1:00-2:15 1st Structured Activity

2:15-2:45 Snack/ Indoor Recess or Courtyard Fun

2:45-4:00 2nd Structured Activity

4:00-4:30 Organized Indoor Games

4:30-5:00 Short 3rd Structured Activity or Finish Up Projects Time

5:00-5:15 Afternoon Campers Go Home


2.    Where are the camps conducted?

June 23-27, 9:00-5:00 - McDougle Elementary School, PLC Room

July 7-11, 9:00-1:00 and 1:00-5:00 - McDougle Elementary School, PLC Room

July 14-18, 9:00-1:00 and 1:00-5:00 - McDougle Elementary School, PLC Room

July 28-August 1, 9:00-1:00 and 1:00-5:00 - McDougle Elementary School, PLC Room

August 11-15, 9:00-5:00 - Christ United Methodist Church, Rooms 3/5

August 11-22, 9:00-1:00 and 1:00-5:00 - Christ United Methodist Church, Rooms 3/5

3. What if I want to drop off late or pick up early?

TEXT KIM at 919-401-6001 - she will respond to you and/or relay your message to the relevant camp partner, as needed.

ArtzHub Artist/ Founder/ Camp Director - Kim McCullough, M-F, 9:00-5:00

4.    Who do I contact during camp hours?

TEXT KIM at 919-401-6001 - she will respond to you and/or relay your message to the relevant camp partner, as needed.

ArtzHub Artist/ Founder/ Camp Director - Kim McCullough, M-F, 9:00-5:00

5.    Does artzHub have office hours?

Yes, generally, M-F 8:00-12:00 are Kim’s dedicated office hours. Contact her at 919-401-6001 or Please keep in mind that she’s teaching most afternoons.

Phone Calls - if Kim doesn’t recognize your number and/or if her caller ID does not say who you are, your call will go to her voicemail. Please leave a detailed message. She’ll return your call within 24 hours.

Text Messages - please let her know who you are and which camp you are interested in. Please allow a reasonable amount of time for her to respond. She strives to respond quickly but is sometimes unable to because she’s teaching, driving or helping someone.

Emails - please let her know who you are and which camp you are interested in. She’ll respond within 24 hours.

Evenings and weekends - please feel free to reach out to her but allow at least 24 hours response time.

6.    Single Camp Days? Pro-rated Fee?

Yes, single camp days become available 72 Hours before the desired camp week start date, pending availability.

$50 per child, per date, 9:00-1:00 or 1:00-5:00.

$100 per child, per date, 9:00-5:00

You may choose one day or as many as you like within the same week.

No discounts apply to pro-rated camp days.


7.    What kind of activities will they do?

ArtzHub Art Camps - Art campers enjoy learning a variety of methods and techniques, step-by-step, with structured guidance that also encourages individual interpretation. We draw, paint, sculpt and craft our way through each week’s fun theme, creating works of art that will treasured for years to come. We have the whole week so there’s plenty of time for campers to finish their artwork at a relaxed pace. Want more info? Contact Kim at 919-401-6001 or

ArtzHub Camp Partner Camps - See their Summer 2025 Camp descriptions and read their bios Summer 2025 Camp Partners.

8.  How can ages 5-11 be in one group?

The 5-11 age range is wide to allow siblings and friends to participate together. Most ArtzHub camps are visual in nature and each child is encouraged to participate at his/her own level. We all offer structured guidance that supports children as much as they need. More advanced participants are encouraged to flex their creative muscles to participate at a level that is satisfying to them.

Writing campers are also ages 5-11. Please see #21 for info about those not yet able to write.

9.  Do you separate the groups by age?

ArtzHub camps take place in a large classroom so that campers can be divided into to two groups if enrollment exceeds our 12:1 ratio. If the campers are divided into two groups, generally we try to separate them by age (K-2 and 3-5) but kids that want to be together are welcome to stay together. Each group does an activity led by an instructor. After a mid-camp break, the groups switch and work with the other instructor, so that everyone does both activities during a camp day. We’re all in the same large classroom, even when there are two groups.

10.  Can my 12-14 year old participate as a regular camper?

Yes. This would be an opportunity for him/her to display mentorship qualities in order to join us as a mentor or volunteer in the future.


11.  What do mentors do?

Mentors are not responsible for discipline, but they do provide an extra set of eyes/ears during camp hours.  Mentors must be ready, willing and able to help us maintain the safety of all campers, at all times. There are two levels of Mentors.

  • 1st Summer Mentors, ages 12-14, are expected to enhance the overall experience of campers by modeling positive behavior, at all times, lending a hand as needed. They show awareness of what is happening around them and are eager to participate in making the camp run smoothly. 

  • Returning Mentors, ages 13-14, do what 1st Summer Mentors do, but also help by handing out materials, letting us know if younger campers need help, offering to show a new camper where the bathroom is etc.  They put other campers before themselves and proactively contribute to the camp, even if they do not finish their own projects.  

12.  What do volunteers do?

In addition to the responsibilities expected of our mentors, volunteers are proactive young adults that recognize what needs to be done. They show maturity, initiative and gumption by stepping in to help younger campers, if and when needed. They actively and mindfully contribute to the overall safety and success of the camp. 

13.  What kind of clothing is appropriate for camp?

Dress to mess! Weather appropriate clothing is always important. We spend some time each day outside on the playground so it is advisable for campers to come prepared with sunblock and insect repellent, as needed.


14.  What is the camper/instructor ratio?


For both the morning and afternoon camps, we will have tween mentors and teen volunteers helping us. If enrollment exceeds the 12:1 camper/instructor ratio, a paid assistant instructor will be hired to maintain the ratio.


15.  What is the behavioral expectation?

For ALL ArtzHub camps, morning and afternoon, all rules are safety oriented.  All behavioral expectations are respect oriented.

During any teaching time, we expect each individual to behave respectfully by taking directions, staying on task and accepting the guidance of the instructors and volunteers.

We expect each individual to refrain from behaviors that abuse property of the instructor or the host facility.

During any non-teaching time (playground, snack, bathroom or water fountain or during before or after care time) we expect each individual to respect the rules of the host facility as well as the rules of ArtzHub/Meadowlark Music.

In all situations, at all times, we require each individual to refrain from physical aggression or verbal bullying. It will not be tolerated.

Behavior that does not meet these basic standards will be brought to the attention of the parent and may result in dismissal with no credit, refund or make up day at the sole discretion of Kim/ ArtzHub, if unacceptable behavior continues.


16.  Is this camp an appropriate form of therapy?

All ArtzHub camps are therapeutic in nature but we are not certified to address behaviors or conditions (diagnosed or un-diagnosed) that preclude a positive outcome.


17.  What should my child bring to camp?

For both the morning and afternoon camps -

Water Bottle, Plenty Of Food (See #1 for snack/lunch times.)

Book For Quiet Times (Recommended Not Required)

Insect Repellent, Sunscreen (As Needed)

Please make sure EVERYTHING your child brings to camp is labeled with his/her name.

18.  What should my child leave at home?

Electronics and toys should stay at home or at least remain in the car.

No phones or devices (Apple Watches, etc.) may be used at camp, unless required for a verified medical condition.


19.  Do you allow food sharing?

No food sharing. Out of respect for special dietary requirements, food allergies and a desire to avoid contamination, we do not allow campers to share food. Even if your children do so at home, they may not share food at camp.


20.  What if my child has a life-threatening food allergy?

If your child has a life-threatening food allergy, we will ban the food your child is allergic to at camp. Also, before camp, we will review with you the exact step-by-step procedures you want us to follow in the event of an emergency.

21.What if my child can’t write yet? Can he/she still participate in the writing camp(s)?

Yes! We have a fantastic team of elementary school teachers leading the writing portion of the book creation camps. If your child is not yet able to write, the instructors will modify their instruction to make sure your child can get his/her thoughts and ideas onto paper.

22. what if I have a question that is not answered here?

Contact Kim! :-)

919-401-6001 or

Phone Calls - if Kim doesn’t recognize your number and/or if her caller ID does not say who you are, your call will go to her voicemail. Please leave a detailed message. She’ll return your call within 24 hours.

Text Messages - please let her know who you are, which camp you are interested in and what your question is. Please allow a reasonable amount of time for her to respond. She strives to respond quickly but is sometimes unable to because she’s teaching, driving or helping someone.

Emails - please let her know who you are, which camp you are interested in and what your question is. She’ll respond within 24 hours.

Evenings and weekends - please feel free to reach out to her but allow at least 24 hours response time.