FREE! Writing Prompts & Activities
From April to August 2020, Angie Marino, Owner of Writing Wonders, provided FREE weekly writing activities and prompts for kids ages 5-11.
Lined Paper for Grades K-2 (blank)
Lined Paper for Grades 2-7 (blank)
About The Instructor
Angie Marino is a certified teacher and she home schools her four children (ages 8, 6, 4 and 2). At the same time, she manages her business Writing Wonders as well as her blog, Fun Writing Ideas. In addition to these things, during normal times, she also teaches writing classes and camps at libraries and churches.
If you have any questions about how to inspire your child to love writing, please contact her! She’s amazing and we’re so grateful to have her as a camp partner.
Email her today!
Educator and Author Angie Marino - Angie earned her Bachelor of Education degree at DePaul University in 2000. Her years of experience as a dual language elementary school teacher and her love of language have provided her with a vast array of valuable skills to design unique, practical and easy to use writing activities.
Artzhub Online & Writing Wonders
Artzhub has partnered with Writing Wonders since 2014 to provide innovative in-person ART & WRITING camps
to children ages 5-11 and mentorship opportunities to ages 12-14.
Now, we partner to provide virtual content to our community.
Learn more about our partnership.