FREE! Articles About Homeschooling
Drawing With Your Young Child Has Long Term Benefits
Helping Children Learn to Write: 10 Strategic Steps
An Easy and On-going Spelling Strategy
Guided Writing Lessons for Grades K-5
Motivate Kids to Write Using Easy Art Accents
About The Author
Angie Marino is a certified teacher and she home schools her four children (ages 8, 6, 4 and 2). At the same time, she manages her business Writing Wonders as well as her blog, Fun Writing Ideas. In addition to these things, during normal times, she also teaches classes and camps at libraries and churches.
If you have any questions about how to juggle working from home and teaching your own children, please contact her at
Educator and Author Angie Marino - Angie earned her Bachelor of Education degree at DePaul University in 2000. Her years of experience as a dual language elementary school teacher and her love of language have provided her with a vast array of valuable skills to design unique, practical and easy to use writing activities.